About the Simmons Family -

Matt and I have been married since April of 2006. By July of that same year we found out I was pregnant with our first child, Teagan. She was a sudden, but very happy surprise for us, and a blessing in our lives. Matt has been working at UPS for the last 5 years and running his used car dealership, Advantage Auto Sales. He has been a busy, loving father and a huge help to me and the kids. I have been doing in home day-care at our house and staying home with the kids. In 2007, we found out I was pregnant with our first baby boy, Hayes. Hayes has been a very happy boy with a very sweet cuddly nature, like his dad. We have been enjoying being parents and are now expecting our 3rd and final baby. Carla is pregnant and due August 2nd, 2011. We will keep you posted on the status of Carla and the baby.

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, March 14, 2010

New addition to the family

We just got another puppy so Page would finally have a friend.  Mya is a Siberian Husky, and she is 7 weeks old.  We were skeptical at first to see how Page would react to a puppy coming into her home.  Page has been very welcoming and haven't had any issues.  Page ends up being the victim.  She is very good with kids and knows her boundaries with ours, and it has carried over to the puppy.  So as the puppy is biting her and playing,  Page looks at us for the ok to play.  Mya has even tried to nurse off of Page a couple of times, which she does not like. 

This was the first time they met.
Later that day.

Child Labor

Hayes has made it a point to constantly go after garbage cans, plants, dog water and the lazy susan.  This time he quite a mess with a box of baking soda.  He wanted to make it up to us and clean it up.

Teagan even jumped in and helped out.